Roche Cove Regional Park

Roche Cove Regional Park


  • Difficulty

  • Time
    2.5 hours

  • Distance

  • Elevation
    50 meters

  • Dog Friendly

  • Public Transportation

  • From Downtown Victoria
    45 minutes

  • Camping

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Roche Cove is a scenic outdoor recreation area located in East Sooke with many hiking trails that offer a variety of beautiful forest walks through the area. The Galloping Goose Trail passes right through Roche Cove Regional Park and the park is also located next to Matheson Lake.

From the parking lot area off of Gillespie Road, walk along the wide Galloping Goose Trail as you look between the trees, down to your right at Roche Cove below. After walking about 1km to where the water below ends, watch for a sign on the right and follow this narrow trail leaving the Galloping Goose. Walk a short distance to a junction and then go right, down the steep hill to the water's edge of Roche Cove. This area is popular in the summer as a place to lounge in the warm weather or take a swim in the cove.

After enjoying the area at Roche Cove, hike back up the steep hill to the narrow trail and go right, continuing to follow the narrow trail as it loops through the forest. When the trail reaches another, slightly wider trail, go right and follow this route along Matheson Creek. This is a seasonal route as it can be very muddy during some of the winter months and the creek can also overflow making portions of the trail difficult to pass. However, this is a very scenic trail with small waterfalls and plenty of thick, green moss along the trail where sections hug the edge of the creek.

After walking for about 1km, you reach a junction. Going to the right is a much longer route that circles Matheson Lake. Instead, go left and walk a few minutes to the next junction as you peer to see Matheson Lake between the trees. At the second junction, go left and a short distance further, you reach the wide Galloping Goose Trail.

Go left on the Galloping Goose Trail and begin to walk back towards the parking lot. After about 400-meters, watch for a junction on the right side of the trail marking a trail called the Cedar Grove Trail. To extend your hike, follow the Cedar Grove Trail as it briefly heads uphill, climbing gently through the beautiful west coast forest. The trail winds its way, crossing a couple of streams as you make your way along the much quieter trails to a viewpoint overlooking the park.

At a junction, go left and then a short distance further, go right at a second junction. Walk a bit further and go left, taking the Viewpoint Trail to a high point in the park that offers a scenic view overlooking Roche Cove Regional Park. After enjoying the view, walk back up the trail to the junction and go left, continuing along the path until you reach a 4-way junction. Go straight at the 4-way junction and not much further, you suddenly appear at the parking lot where you began your hike.

Driving Directions

Roche Cove Regional Parking Lot is located in East Sooke off of Gillespie Road.

From downtown Victoria, drive to Douglas Street and head northbound as you leave the city and Douglas turns into Highway #1. Continue along the highway and take Exit #14: Juan de Fuca Highway / Sooke Road. Loop around, cross over the highway, and follow Veterans Memorial Parkway. At the intersection with Sooke Road, turn right and follow Sooke Road west towards Sooke.

After driving along Sooke Road for about 13km, watch for the 17 Mile House Pub on your right. Just after passing this pub, pull into the left lane and turn left onto Gillespie Road heading to East Sooke. Drive down the hill and follow the winding road for about 2.5km until you see a parking lot for Roche Cove Regional Park on the left.

Public Transportation

Note: There is only weekday service to the area near the entrance to Roche Cove Regional Park as Bus #64 does not run on the weekends.

From downtown Victoria, take Bus #50: Langford and stay on the bus for the entire route until it becomes Bus #61: Sooke. Exit the bus at 17 Mile House. These portion of the route will take about 1-hour.

From the 17 Mile House, transfer to Community Bus #64: East Sooke to the 1260 block of Gillespie, which is about the 3rd bus stop. Once you get off the bus here, you will need to walk back in the direction the bus drove a short distance to the entrance to Roche Cove Regional Park.

Additional Information


Dogs are permitted in Roche Cove Regional Park but must be under control at all times. Please make sure to pick up after your dog.


There are outhouses near the parking lot at Roche Cove Regional Park. There are no other toilets along the trails in Roche Cove Regional Park, however there are outhouses near the beach area at Matheson Lake.

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