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Laura-Lea from Victoria writes:
Is it possible to access the Bear Hill trails from the dead end on Central Saanich road? I’ve heard that this is no longer possible. Thank you!
Posted: July 22, 2020 08:44:57 AM PST
Byron Cook from MEMPHIS, TN writes:
Great tips! I’m Hiking for the first time in a few years and am a little nervous, but these helped me feel a little better about it! Thanks for Sharing.
Posted: March 26, 2020 09:30:57 AM PST
Samantha Chung from Toronto writes:
Took me just over 15 minutes to make it to the summit, including taking a big wipe out on a wet, slippery rock haha be careful! Great view at the top.
Posted: March 27, 2018 05:46:25 PM PST
James from Victoria writes:
A short hike but good workout none-the-less. There are very few parking spots so doing this trail on an "off" day is best.
Posted: January 2, 2016 11:04:06 PM PST
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A view of the Saanich Inlet near Jocelyn Hill in Gowlland Tod Provincial Park.
Jo Slade from Sidney writes:
We love this park, in particular going up from the end of Central Saanich Road (haven’t been in a few years, but assume that way is still open). On New Year’s Day on year we climbed to the top to watch the sun come up on a brand new year. Most excellent way to start a new year.
Posted: October 18, 2021 12:20:00 PM PST