Thetis Lake

Thetis Lake


Thetis Lake - Comments

5 out of 5 - 1 reviews

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D foreman from Victoria writes:

I love this park but am sometimes Horrified at the behaviour of People in general . Young woman 8 months pregnant could not bend down to scoop her dog’s poop. Her spouse was trying to work out the new parking lot meter. She was accosted and belittled because her dog relieved herself. She had every intention being an obviously responsible dog owner of scooping but literally could not bend down to get it. Was waiting for her spouse to help. Could not believe the craziness of the woman Visitor who actually appeared to stalk this young woman and her husband. Come on people.

Posted: May 2, 2019 07:26:19 PM PST

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Photo of the Day

A view of the Saanich Inlet near Jocelyn Hill in Gowlland Tod Provincial Park.

Trail: Jocelyn Hill via Caleb Pike

A view of the Saanich Inlet near Jocelyn Hill in Gowlland Tod Provincial Park.